Tuesday, April 4, 2023




Em resumo, o procedimento é preencher o "Student Application Form", assinar, coletar a assinatura da coordenação de curso e do DERINT do campus, e, por fim, gerar um só PDF contendo os seguintes itens, nessa ordem:

  • Student Application Form

  • Curriculum Vitae (em francês ou inglês);

  • Histórico (será fornecida pela DIRINTER, nos próximos dias, uma declaração em inglês contendo as disciplinas que vocês cursaram na UTFPR e as respectivas notas)


O formulário é bastante simples, mas alguns campos frequentemente geram dúvidas ou necessitam de uma padronização entre os candidatos. Veja abaixo as orientações específicas para esses campos:

Página 1 / Cabeçalho

Academic Year


Página 1 / Cabeçalho

Duration of Stay

Double degree

Página 1 / Sending Institution


Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

Página 1 / Sending Institution


Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

Diretoria de Relações Interinstitucionais - DIRINTER

Av. Sete de Setembro, 3165 - Rebouças

CEP 80230-901 - Curitiba - PR - Brasil

Página 1 / Sending Institution

Departmental Coordinator

Inclua dos dados do Professor Responsável pelas Atividades de Internacionalização (PRA-Int) do seu curso

Página 1 / Sending Institution

Institutional Coordinator

Inclua os dados do/a responsável pelo DERINT de seu campus

Página 2 / Cabeçalho


Deixar em branco

Na página 4, vocês deverão incluir as disciplinas que desejam cursar na UTC. Por fazerem parte de um programa de dupla diplomação, essa escolha é regida pelas regras do acordo. Vejam abaixo as orientações:

1º passo: Acessar o banco de disciplinas ministradas na instituição.

2º passo: Definir os critérios da busca.

Enseignements ouverts à la formation : Ingénieur UTC - Branche

Spécialité : (escolher de acordo com o curso de origem e com o edital da dupla diplomação)

3º passo: Escolha das disciplinas. Alunos em dupla diplomação devem cursar um total de 80 créditos ECTS distribuídos entre os 3 primeiros semestres (aproximadamente 27 créditos por semestre), sendo no mínimo 54 em disciplinas científicas (CS) e técnicas (TM) e 18 em disciplinas de tecnologia e ciências humanas (TSH). O último semestre é dedicado ao estágio (TN10), que corresponde a 30 créditos ECTS. Vocês podem fazer um acordo de estudos (learning agreement) contendo apenas as disciplinas do semestre de outono de 2023. Coloquei os totais nesta mensagem de orientações apenas para que façam as escolhas para o semestre de outono de 2023 considerando o que vai faltar fazer posteriormente.

4º passo: Imprimir e coletar assinatura do Professor Responsável pelas Atividades de Internacionalização (PRA-Int) do seu curso ("Departmental Coordinator's signature") e do DERINT de seu campus ("Institutional Coordinator's signature"). Não esqueçam de incluir a assinatura de vocês também ("Student's signature"). A página 5 não deve ser utilizada nesse momento e, portanto, não precisa constar no arquivo final da candidatura.


O envio da candidatura à UTC deve ser feito pela DIRINTER, por isso solicitamos que nos enviem a documentação por e-mail (dirinter@utfpr.edu.br) até o dia 13/04, para que possamos revisar e encaminhar à UTC no dia 14/04. Reiteramos que cada estudante deve enviar apenas um arquivo em PDF com os documentos na seguinte ordem: formulário, currículo e histórico.

Como a aprovação das disciplinas pela coordenação ou PRA-Int pode demorar, recomendo começar por esta etapa. Peço a gentileza de confirmarem o recebimento desta mensagem.


Igor Cordeiro


O Formulário abaixo também será enviado aos alunos da EngePro. Por favor, verifiquem seus e-mails. 



Student Application Form

International Student Exchange Programmes








This application should be completed in BLACK PRINT in order to be easily copied and/or faxed. Please note that we will only proceed complete applications.


Academic Year :






 Period of study :                                Duration of stay :

  from:                                                 one semester’s study

  to:                                                      one semester’s study + training period

                                                            one year’s study

                                                            laboratory project

                                                            double degree


Field of Study:

Biological Engineering

Mechanical Engineering


Computer Engineering                   Urban Systems Engineering

Chemical Engineering                  


< Receiving Institution


Name:                                                  Université de Technologie de Compiègne - Directorate International Relations


Address:                                               Rue Roger Couttolenc, BP60319, 60203 Compiègne Cedex, FRANCE




Incomings Advisor:

Incomings Coordinator:





Name: Céline DE ARAUJO



0033 (0)3 44 23 43 14


Phone: 0033 (0)3 44 23 73 99





E-mail: incoming@utc.fr




< Sending Institution







Departmental Coordinator:


Institutional Coordinator:





Name :























< Student‘s personal data


Family name:



First name:



Date of birth:



Place of birth:











Current correspondence address:

Permanent home address: (if different)








Post Code:



Post Code:
























E-mail :







Current address is valid until:



Name of Student:

Sending Institution :



Receiving Institution : Université de Technologie de Compiègne

ERASMUS-Code: F compieg 01

Country: France

< Language skills

Mother tongue:


Language of instruction at the home institution:



Other languages:

Language proficiency level (as confirmed by sending institution)

I am currently studying this language:

I have sufficient knowledge to follow lectures:

I would have sufficient knowledge to follow lectures if I had some extra preparation:



Yes                                                        No

Yes                                                       No

Yes                                                             No



Yes                                                        No

Yes                                                       No

Yes                                                             No



Yes                                                        No

Yes                                                       No

Yes                                                             No

< French Intensive course

UTC organizes a free French intensive course for 4 weeks

I would like to attend the French intensive course that will run:Fall semester (July /August)

                                                                                                                           Spring semester (January/February)

< Previous and current studies

Higher education study years prior to departure abroad:


Degree for which you are currently studying:


Date when you began these studies:


Date when you expect to complete them:


Have you already been studying abroad?

                                                            Yes                                                             No

If yes, when and at which Institution?



< Work experience related to current study (if relevant for the study abroad)


Type of work experience

Firm / Organisation:
















< Motivation


Briefly state the reasons why you wish to study abroad :








The Application form must be returned to us before May 1st for the fall semester, and November 1st for the Spring Semester, with the following documents: a CV, official transcripts from your home university and a selection of credit courses you intend to follow at UTC.





L’UTC traite les données fournies dans ce formulaire pour la gestion des candidatures de mobilité étudiantes et pour les candidats reçus aux fins d’administrer la logistique du séjour et l’organisation des enseignements.

La base légale du traitement est la mission d’intérêt public dont est investie l’UTC.

Les données sont destinées à  la direction à la formation et à la pédagogie de l’UTC, à la direction des relations internationales, au responsable international de branche et aux enseignants de l’UTC.

Les destinataires des données nécessaires à la logistique de votre séjour (identité, coordonnées, dates de séjour, branche et établissement d’origine) sont la direction, la direction des systèmes d’information, la cellule sureté, les services administration des études, logistique et Hygiène et sécurité. La maire d de Compiègne est également destinataire de vos données d’identité afin d’organiser la journée d’accueil.

Les données sont conservées pendant 5 ans (6 mois pour les besoins de la logistique du séjour)  au maximum puis archivées selon les règles en vigueur.

Conformément au règlement européen 2016/679 dit RGPD, vous disposez des droits (accès, rectification, opposition, limitation du traitement) droits que vous pouvez exercer en vous adressant à incoming@utc.fr.

Si vous estimez que vos droits ne sont pas respectés, vous pouvez alerter le délégué à la protection des données de l’établissement (dpo@utc.fr) puis adresser une réclamation à la CNIL.


Data that you provide via this form will be used by UTC in processing applications for student mobility and, for successful applicants, in organizing their stay and their teaching schedule. The lawful basis under the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for processing your personal data is ‘Public Task’, given UTC’s role as an institution serving the public interest.

The data is intended for use by UTC’s education division, its international relations division, its international coordinator for engineering undergraduates, and UTC teaching personnel.

Data necessary for the logistics of your stay (your identity, contact details, the dates of your stay, and information regarding your home institution) are intended for use by UTC’s executive division, IT division, data protection unit, student administration office, logistics office, and health and safety office. Your identity data is also shared with Compiègne’s municipal administration for the purposes of organizing the welcome day.

The data are retained for a maximum of 5 years (6 months in the case of data necessary for the logistics of your stay) and then archived according to the rules in force.

The rights that you enjoy in accordance with the GDPR (EU regulation 2016/679), relating to access, rectification, objections, and restriction of processing, can be exercised by contacting incoming@utc.fr.

If you feel that your rights are not being respected you can alert UTC’s data protection officer (dpo@utc.fr) and address a complaint to the CNIL.






Name of Student:

Sending Institution :



Receiving Institution : Université de Technologie de Compiègne

ERASMUS-Code: F compieg 01

Country: France

< Details of proposed study programme abroad / Learning Agreement

Course code and page no. of the information package

Course title (as indicated in the information package)















































Please note that all changes in the learning agreement must be approved by the departmental coordinator at the home institution. The formular foreseen is available


I agree that these data will be stored and processed electronically and transmitted to the universities concerned exclusively for the purpose of my ERASMUS-application.


Student’s signature:                          Date:

        Do you have a scolarship for  




your stay  :

MEXFITEC                                       Autre :

ERASMUS                                      Nom du programme :  .........................


To be completed by the office:

Sending Institution: We confirm the approval of this application and the recognition of the proposed study programme at our institution


Departmental Coordinator’s signature:                                                                           Date:


Institutional Coordinator’s signature:                                                                             Date:


Université de Technologie de Compiègne: We hereby acknowledge receipt of this 3 pages application form and the candidate’s Transcript of Records.

The above mentioned student is:     £ accepted at our institution                              £ not accepted at our institution


Departmental Coordinator’s signature:                                                                           Date:


Institutional Coordinator’s signature:                                                                             Date:



Name of Student:

Period abroad:                                 to

Sending Institution :



Receiving Institution : Université de Technologie de Compiègne

ERASMUS-Code: F compieg 01

Country: France


< Changes to original proposed study programme/learning agreement

(to be filled only if appropriate)

Course code and page no. of the information package



Course title (as indicated in the information package)


Deleted course uniit

Added course uniit



Number of ECTS Credit































































































Please note that all changes in the learning agreement must be approved by the departmental coordinator at the home institution. This is the formular foreseen. It shall be brought to the partner institution and used if appropriate.



Student’s signature:                            Date:


To be completed by the offices:

Sending Institution: We hereby confirm the above-listed changes to the initially agreed programme of study/learning agreement are approved


Departmental Coordinator’s signature:                                                                           Date:


Institutional Coordinator’s signature:                                                                             Date:


Université de Technologie de Compiègne: We hereby confirm the above-listed changes to the initially agreed programme of study/learning agreement are approved.


Departmental Coordinator’s signature:                                                                           Date:


Institutional Coordinator’s signature:                                                                             Date: